‘When We’re Just Not Feeling It’… Featuring Tami Kent


What happens when we don’t feel the power of God? Or better yet, when we feel the opposite of power, when we feel weak and vulnerable or just tired. It’s easy as believers to know what the word of God says, even believing that His word is true, but to gauge His ability to move in power based on the way we feeling.

Sometimes we allow our feelings to dictate our faith. If we’re feeling strong then God is on our side, but if we’re not, well then what? Friends, God is no less powerful in the moments when we don’t feel ‘anything at all’ as He is when we feel ‘all the feels’. His power isn’t dependent on us.

2 Corinthians 4:7 says ‘But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.’ What an incredible promise! We carry around in us the power of Christ, the hope of glory. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in us!

So we have a choice… do we fix our eyes on the temporal the things we see, feel, and experience? Or do we fix our eyes on that which we cannot see, the eternal, trusting that God is moving in us, through us, and sometimes even in spite of us. God is who He says He is, and He is ALL that He says He is. And He wants to use us to be vessels of His power. To declare who He is. To speak His name and His promises over our circumstances – over our families, our friendships, our finances, our future.

So today, regardless of what you may be facing, I pray that you would find the strength to put aside your feelings and choose to trust the Lord and to walk in the power that He has already given you.

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