“Turning to God in Times of Trouble” featuring Lucy Kyllonen


In this weeks Take Away Lucy shares the words of David found in Psalm 42:5… ”Why so downcast oh, my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”

When David was in despair he spoke and sang truth and hope over his life.

Right now, as a result of the pandemic, many of us are spending so much more time alone, and find ourselves trapped in the recesses of our mind, with uncertainties and worries bombarding us on all sides. It is so much easier to get caught up in conversation with own inner voice, contending with fears and worries, but that only leads to more despair.

As children of the Most High we are called to look to God and put our hope and trust firmly in Him. It’s not a one time shot. It’s and day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute choice to take every thought captive and choose to worship instead of worry. But it brings life and hope and peace not defined by our circumstances but rather in spite of our circumstances.

Are feeling hopeless, downcast, or in despair today? Speak the word of God, the life-giving, living word and living truth over your life and over every situation that concerns you. Turn on your favorite worship song, and sing. God is FOR US and not against us. He is WITH US. Cling to that truth today!

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