‘The Kindness that Leads Us’ featuring Erin Blair


In today’s Take-Away, Erin Blair talks openly about her love-hate relationship with the word repentance, and how she is continually brought back to what the Bible says in Romans 2:4, “Do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance.”

God’s kindness is intended to lead us back to repentance. 

We are not meant to rely on ourselves. 

We are invited to let God in. 

When we embrace the Father’s extravagant love and accept His invitation, the power of the Holy Spirit comes from within our brokenness. Through repentance and a posture of surrender we can invite the Holy Spirit to renew our perspective and we can ask God to take control.

Our prayer today is that you would receive and experience the kindness of God. That His presence would fill you with strength and give you the grace to let go of expectations, stress, schedule, and control. 

Lean in, take a deep breath, and allow the love of the Father to loosen your grip.

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