‘His Love Rescues Us’ featuring Erin Blair


February of 2019 was a milestone for Erin Blair, marking 17 years of being free from drug and alcohol addiction. It also marks the moment she met Jesus. Take a moment and listen to today’s Take Away, as Erin shares her personal testimony of how God rescued and redeemed her from a life of addiction and pain. His love meets us where we are… right where we are… and leads us out of darkness and into light, into life, into peace. And being led by His spirit we see Him work all things for our good. He can bring purpose from our pain, and hope from our healing.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

  • 2:55 Taste and see that the Lord is good.
  • 3:25 Every time I would hear someone give a testimony of what God had done in them it was hope for me. And from that came the desire to be hope for someone else.

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