‘Stretched and Pulled’ featuring Lucy Kyllonen


Do you ever feel like you are being pulled in so many different directions, stretched thin, and all over the place? We may not like how it feels, but stretching is good for us. We’re supposed to be stretched because it’s in those places, we experience growth.

In todays Take Away, Lucy Kyllonen shares about how in studying the process of purifying wine, God revealed to her a truth that she had never seen before. The movement of wine from one container to another was to preserve its purity and its flavor. The movement had a purpose, just like God’s movement in our own lives has a purpose. 

We may not like where we are right now, but if we can learn look beyond right now and trust that God is working for our good, we will learn what it looks like to rejoice in our present circumstances. Knowing that what God is doing in us is making us more potent, more flavorful, and more impactful.

‘He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.’ Philippians 1:6

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