‘A Steadfast Mind’ featuring Rossaue Hosein


None of us are immune to “stinkin thinkin”. Our subconscious and “self-talk” really do determine the outcomes of our lives.  In today’s Take Away, Rossaue encourages us to take our thoughts captive and align them with God’s word. We don’t have to know the end results.  We don’t have to have all of the answers.  When we are overwhelmed with fear of the unknowns, we can take those thoughts and make them obedient to the truth that God is all-knowing, and His ways are better and for our good. His Word has the power to transform our lives by transforming our thoughts. His steadfast Word changes us. And He really will finish the work He started in us.

Philippians 1:6 “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Show Notes

  • :33 There is self talk that we all have and things that we say.
  • 1:58 Christ showed me that He has the power to transform hearts and minds.

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