‘Setting Boundaries and Seeking Deeper Rest’ featuring Erin Blair


In this week’s take away, Erin talks with us about seeking rest by setting boundaries for herself with social media.  Technology is such a big part of our lives and social networking has created habits that allow us to find instant gratification and welcome distractions from the stresses of our daily life. We often post about our days instead of living presently in them. 

God is present with us in every moment and we have an open invitation to live fully present with Him. 

We want to encourage you today, to take time to ask God what it is that is distracting you and what might be depleting you of your strength.  When we eliminate those distractions we find a depth in the space that remains.  But getting there requires a step of faith. As you draw near to the Lord, choose to step in faith into the strength of your true identity as a daughter of the Most High.

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