Conversation #6 : Seeking True Rest


Isaiah 30:15 says, “Only in returning to Me and resting in Me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it.”

When life becomes full of striving and our peace is gone, how do we adopt a posture of surrender so that we can have our perspective renewed by the Holy Spirit? We find this renewal in returning to rest in God. True rest is God alive in us.

It is easy to seek comfort and relaxation from outside sources, but what does it look like to intentionally seek true rest that will rejuvenate and root us? When we’re fighting for rest, we often have triggers that remind us of our need. What if we surrendered to the deep call and need for rest and asked God to guide us into realignment with Him.

In this conversation we dig into what it looks like to choose true rest by choosing to spend time with God and returning to His embrace without expectation and striving. It’s in this quiet posture and stillness that we find our footing in His grace, His abundant love, and the kindness He shows His beloved daughters.

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