‘His Love Transforms Us’ featuring Erin Blair


Today, Erin shares how knowing and understanding the love of God has radically transformed her from the inside out. When we encounter Jesus, like the woman at the well, our lives are forever changed, and not just for a moment, but for the rest of our lives. We serve an out-of-the box God. A God that is limitless. But continuing to grow in that understanding requires something of us too. It requires us to position ourselves to hear His voice, to learn from others, to grow in our knowledge of Him, to cultivate the gifts we have been given, and to choose faith over fear. And the more that we choose step in to what He has for us, the more our capacity to change and influence the world around us grows.

  • :16 The women at the well encountered Jesus and her life was radically transformed.
  • :30 The radical transformation isn’t a one time event, a one time experience.
  • :40 People will tell you that the fire you experience when God transforms you will fade, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
  • :57 God doesn’t just give us a one time experience or say ‘this is all there is of me’. He is an out-of-the-box God. He is limitless and there is always more of Him available.
  • 1:16 Positioning ourselves to learn and receive from God with mentors and pastors, listening to worship music, those things lead us to grow, they cultivate us and stir thing up.
  • 1:39 Choose to do things afraid. Jesus isn’t safe. No one who came to Him just coasted. People were radically transformed. They stepped into hard transformations and dangerous situations and when we do that we reflect Him.
  • 2:18 We need to stir ourselves up through conversations. To come under leadership. In humility. To experience the reward that comes from being obedient and intentional to what He’s called us to.

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