‘Finding Devastation Where Comfort Should Be’ featuring Rossaue Hosein


What happens when we’re looking for God to comfort us, to deliver us, to heal us, to provide for us, but we find devastation instead? In today’s Take Away, Rossaue talks about how both David and Jesus responded in these moments.

It’s easy, when we are blind sided by our circumstances, to want to blame God, to get angry, to run away. The feelings are real, the pain is real, and we need to allow ourselves to feel, but we can’t get stuck there.

The example set for us, is not to turn away from God but rather to look to Him to lead us, asking Him to reveal His will in the middle of our most difficult moments. Like David, it may lead us back into battle, or like Jesus it might lead us to death, but even in those moments, God’s is able to resurrect.

God is good. His word promises that He works all things together for our good. And when we can grab hold of that truth in the midst of the moments that would devastate us, He will always lead us to a place of victory.

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