Disconnecting to Connect


This week we are continuing with Part 2 of our conversation on rest.

Isaiah 30:15 says, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.”

In this day and age it is culturally normal to live in a constant state of distraction. We receive hundreds of notifications on our phones every day, which only adds to the chaos of our life.

How do we navigate finding presence with the One who is always present?

God loves His daughters, and He has more for us than the striving we feel from social media, the people pleasing that comes with having a family and being in community, or the pressure that comes from work. The door is open for us whenever we are ready to take a step inside.

God wants us to be with Him, and it is in this place of ‘being’ that we find our trust and confidence.

In this conversation we ask the questions… ‘How do we enter into the insurmountable peace that Christ offers us daily? And what does it look like to create boundaries that assist us in experiencing presence with God?

Rest is a choice that we have to make in order to walk in strength. We want to encourage and challenge you to disconnect from your phone, and from any other distractions that might keep you from entering into the rest that God would have for you and experience deep presence in your life — with those around you and ultimately with the Lord.

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