‘Because of Him, We Are Enough’ featuring Tami Kent


Today, Tami talks about the importance of walking in our identity as children of God. How we view ourselves impacts the way we act, the way we think, the way we speak and interact with the world around us. In a world where love is cheap, where only the best are worthy of attention, and value is measured by what we are able to produce, it’s sometimes easy to fall into thinking that God looks at us in the same way. But He doesn’t. As His children our value and worth aren’t found in what we do or in who we are, but rather in ‘who’s’ we are. When we enter into relationship with Him, we become daughters, join heirs with Christ. We belong to God. And His love for us does not change and fluctuate, it remains. And when we truly grasp that, own that, and walk in that, it will transform our relationship with God and with each and every person we come into contact with.

  • :45 Sometimes, because of the world we live in, our identities as children of God can seem muddied.
  • 1:25 The reality of being a Son and Daughter of God is that nothing can separate us from His love.
  • 2:25 When we understand God's acceptance of us... then He can use us.
  • 2:50 It will truly change our lives and the lives of everyone around us, when we can grasp that we belong in the family of God.

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