Heart Musings

March 11, 2019

4 Simple Words… by Tami Kent, Founder

When I typed the words ‘By Faith She Speaks’ into my phone on that day in February years ago, I had no idea what those words meant, but God did. 

  • I prayed for God to speak. To reveal His heart for this to me. And He did.
  • I prayed for wisdom and for God to order the steps before me. And He did.
  • I prayed for God to bring the people who would help to bring this vision to life. And He did.
  • I prayed for God to provide the resources to make this possible. And He did.
  • I prayed for Him to make His presence so evident in every detail. And He did.

With the launch of the website only a few short days away, I find myself reflecting on what it took to get here. All the times I have had to battle through debilitating fear and insecurity that would have held me hostage and kept me silent. All the times I felt silly or completely out of my wheelhouse, but knew that faith required taking the next step.

You see faith isn’t about our confidence in our ability. It’s about our confidence in God and His ability. And walking out that faith requires that we do something.

All of the great men and women of the Bible had to act on the word of God before they saw the move of God. And just like the Angel of the Lord said to Gideon, faith requires that we “Go in the strength that we have.”

By Faith She Speaks is not something I did; it’s something God did in me and through me… but it’s NOT about me. It’s about us. It’s about YOU.

And I pray that as you join us at the table and listen to our stories and hear what God is speaking to us that you will hear all the more clearly what He would speak to you. That by faith you would “Go in the strength that you have” into the places God would call you and that you would watch and see God do amazing things in and through you.

#forsuchatimeasthis #toGodbetheglory #Hiswordisnear

February 28, 2019

Vision Defined

BY:  Through the capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power. Acting as an instrument to create.

FAITHBelief and trust in loyalty to God. With strong conviction. Without question.

SHE:  A daughter of the Most High God, chosen from birth and purposed for His glory.

SPEAKS:  Uttering words and articulating sound. Expressing thoughts, opinions,  and feelings worthy of mention or notice.

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