
March 1, 2019

Going Back, Looking Forward

On January 16th, 2019, Tami Kent and Erin Citron Blair went back to the place where the vision for By Faith She Speaks was first shared, to remember, to reminisce, and to revel in all that God has done. Every bit of this belongs to Him…

4 years ago: On February 28, 2015 God spoke the words… By Faith She Speaks.

3 1/2 years ago: I purchased the website, in faith, having no idea what God had planned.
3 years ago: My ministry coach, Cynda Teachman Harris challenged me to take the first step and I spoke those words out loud sharing the vision for the first time with a my dear friend and sister in Christ, Erin Citron Blair.
2 years ago: As God opened doors, through conversations with Roy Saringo, I began meeting with studios about the vision and prayerfully considering what the next steps might be.
18 months ago: I began meeting individually with women and inviting them to be a part. Lucy Kyllonen Kalisha Collura Pupello Michelle Welch Keisha Bowen Polonio Rossaue Hosein Elizabeth Elka Whitney Kelly Erin Citron Blair
12 months ago: We began looking for a location.
9 months ago: God brought the provision, the team, and the location. Barb Palmer, Roy Saringo, Weston Mendell
6 months ago: We filmed our first video podcast. The first of many.
2 months ago: Erin Citron Blair and I met where it all started to remember the goodness of God that has brought us to where we are.
1 month ago: God provided the funding for the website to go live and we started working.
AND THIS NEXT WEEK: WE LAUNCH! This is the fulfillment of a word spoken, a miracle 4 years in the making, and this is just the beginning. Now we will see what GOD WILL DO!

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