‘Silencing The Noise’ featuring Kalisha Pupello


Many times when looking for God to speak, we can find ourselves looking for and listening to words of others and what their experiences of God have been like, rather than searching for Him and finding and experiencing Him for ourselves. With so many amazing teachers and speakers and Bible Studies at our fingertips, it’s easy to do.

In today’s Take Away, Kalisha shares about a time in her life where she experienced a crisis of faith, not in questioning her belief in God, but desperate to discover who He was for her personally. Having experienced disappointment and disillusionment in unanswered prayer, she set aside all the distractions and all the other voices and went back to the scriptures. Asking God to meet her there, she was able to relearn and rebuild a right picture of who God was for her, apart from others.

In Jeremiah 29:13 God says, “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” His promise it true. His promise is for you. His promise is for all of us.

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