Season 2 Premiere | Hope That Does Not Disappoint


We had no idea when we filmed this conversation, how in the days and weeks to come the coronavirus would take our world into a state of chaos. And that this conversation would be released as we all sit in quarantine, with stay-at-home orders put in place to protect the most vulnerable in our communities. But the Lord orders our steps. And there is no doubt in our mind that God prepared this conversation for such a time as this, when hope is so desperately needed. 

Hope is birthed in Christ. And as God’s children we have access to living hope in all situations. Hope is also an attitude and an openness before God, to choose to trust in whatever He is doing, even when things seem hopeless. So what do we do when we walk through trials that seem hopeless?

The Lord often uses our greatest trials for our greatest breakthroughs. In Romans 5 we are reminded that our pain and our struggles have a purpose in the Kingdom, and that we can rejoice knowing that God will use them to strengthen our hope. And in verse 5 we read that ” this hope will not lead to disappointment because we know God has given us His Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”

Our circumstances can go unchanged, but our hearts can be transformed in an instant. God is more than willing to renew our perspective through prayer, worship, the Word, and His people.

Remember that God is always doing a new thing, so be willing to receive new revelation, new words, and new life.

God is faithful. Despite where we might be, He has said that he has already done great things for us, and because of God’s good character, we can rest in full assurance and hope for what is next. It is Christ in us, the hope of glory.

This coming week, pray this prayer along with us, as we profess the goodness of God over our lives… ”God, help me to see. Help me to go fearlessly into things without knowing how they’ll turn out. Help me to choose to be a representation of your living hope. Help me to hear your word for myself, and to pour it out to others.”

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