‘The Pressure to Find Purpose’ featuring Kalisha Pupello


Inside and outside the church these days, we see people searching and yearning to find their purpose, for their calling, as if it were one special thing and we might miss it. And there’s a lot of pressure that comes with that.

It seems like everywhere we look, whether at work or in church or even online, we can find tests and tools to help us determine our personalities, our strengths, weaknesses and where we might fit best into the fabric of the world around us. But those boxes, though helpful, are not what defines us. 

More than anything, our purpose is to follow God and to rest in Him. To love God and to love people. But we can so easily get caught up in the striving and bending to the pressure to figure out our calling and our purpose and where we are supposed to fit, that we miss God entirely. 

The scripture we’ve been focusing on these past few weeks is found in Isaiah 30:15 which says, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…” and many times we stop there. But the final words of that scripture are equally as important… “but you would have none of it.” 

Regardless of what social media says, or what the enneagram or any other test says about us, we need to let God lead us. Our potential in Him is not limited by a test or even a box we might put ourselves in. In His strength and by His power our potential is limitless, and in that truth we can find confidence, peace, and rest.

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