Conversation #3 : Led By The Spirit


‘Christians are the only people on earth looking for and expecting God to lead them.’ Shawn Bolz

Join us around the table as we dive into Romans 8:14-17, discussing what it looks like to be led by the Spirit of God. It is the Spirit of the Living God that leads us into freedom, into truth, and into a greater understanding of our identity as His daughters. And as we come to know and embrace God as our father, our Abba Father, we can walk confidently into the places He is calling us, because we know that His love is a sure thing. We don’t have to earn it. We don’t have to work for it. We can’t lose it. It’s ours, because He is ours and we belong to Him.

  • :22 Romans 8:14-17 "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
  • 1:18 Quote : Christians are the only people on earth looking for and expecting God to lead them. Shawn Bolz
  • 1:38 We are looking for a living God to lead us in the day to day.
  • 3:35 I don't have to do anything to prove myself. Because of God's love, I am His child and I am enough.
  • 4:55 Abba Father means 'my Father'. It's personal.
  • 6:40 Romans 8:15 from the Passion Translation : You did not receive the spirit of religious duty, leading you back into the fear of never being good enough.
  • 8:07 There are times when we need to put our big girl panties on, not even because of us, but for those who are coming up behind us.
  • 9:25 God gives us gifts and talents, and because of fear we don't use them.
  • 10:59 Heaven came to earth through Jesus, and as sons and daughters of God, as we walk in sonship, we bring heaven to earth.
  • 12:38 We are being led, by the Spirit, into the things of God.
  • 13:11 The Spirit of God leads us as children to repentance. And then into all truth. And then into usefulness.
  • 15:10 We need to learn to have church, when we're not at church.
  • 15:15 We're not just sons and daughters of God on Sunday mornings. We're sons and daughters of God all day, every day.
  • 19:56 Obedience and listening and being led by the Holy Spirit can be an uncomfortable thing. But we have to step out.
  • 21:21 There are times when being led by the Holy Spirit is easy, but other times it's hard. And we have to be obedient to His spirit above our natural impulses to respond in our own strength.
  • 23:53 The Holy Spirit's leading is often the complete opposite of what our natural response might be.
  • 26:49 What God does in us is always meant to come out through us so that we can better love people.
  • 28:00 Knowing that how God leads each us individually is different, sets us free. God is so much bigger than any box we would put him in.
  • 28:40 When we're adopted as sons and daughters, we receive. And if He knew us before we were born, He knows how to reach us. He knows how to make sure that you know it's Him leading you.
  • 29:30 Even if you do miss it, God will get you back on track.
  • 30:38 For some people, calling God 'Abba Father' is really hard.
  • 32:35 We read the Bible and listen to the Word of God through what it means for us. But it was written to tell us about God. That He is love. That He loves us.
  • 33:30 He is leading me. I am being led by His spirit. His spirit is love. He spirit will always lead me to truth. He cares about me.
  • 34:54 Often, how we've seen our earthly father is how we see our Heavenly Father.
  • 35:41 Who I am, as His daughter, He loves me. And the more you have revelations of that love, it changes you. And it's not about what you can do. Although good works will come out of that, it's not about that.
  • 36:04 People can argue theology day and night, but they can't argue about experience. The experience you have with God is yours and no one can take that away.
  • 37:18 Our Heavenly Father can be that Father for you, that you don't have.
  • 37:53 It's Abba Father who is my rock and my security. My stronghold and my foundation.
  • 38:33 My God is trustworthy.
  • 39:15 As we grow in our faith we recognize that no human being can ever fulfill the way that God can fulfill. No human father can ever exemplify the love of our God. Even the best of fathers will fail, will leave, but God never leaves. He never forgets. He never lets go.
  • 40:26 We don't ever reach the end of God's love. There's no end to His love. There's no end to understanding who He is. It's hard for the human mind to grasp.
  • 40:50 When we do place all those expectations in a person, when that person is no longer there, it can feel like the floor falls out from underneath us.
  • 41:48 We don't have to earn His love. We don't have to work for it. We can't lose it. It's the goodness of God that we are adopted and receive sonship as sons and daughters of God.

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