Conversation #1: Steadfast /ˈstedˌfast/ resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering

In a world that is so connected, full of instant information, swirling with political intensity, experiencing real life heartaches and health scares and real uncertainty, how does the believing daughter not waiver?  Is it possible to be steadfast in this life?  Is it possible to stand firm in my faith?  These are the questions tackled in today’s episode.  We learn the secret of the steadfast life isn’t in “getting my stuff together” or “having a world at peace”. The women around the By Faith She Speaks table beautifully and authentically unpack what it is to live a steadfast life.  Join us today, as we open the Word of God to learn what He has to say about this.

Show Notes

  • 2:05 1 Peter 5:10 | And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. | His word is steadfast and through Him, the living Word, we are made steadfast.
  • 4:00 Is it possible to steadfast in our own strength… no. There are times when we have to cry out to God to fasten our feet to the foundation, giving us the strength to stand in the face of sickness and circumstances beyond our control.
  • 6:22 James 1:12 | Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. | With God, He is always a giving God, and there’s so much more He wants to give to us if we just stand firm where we’re planted. And there’s is a pouring out of blessings, of grace, that He wants to give to us.
  • 7:40 What you fix your eyes on, that's what's going to grow. | There is a climate right now of people, women and men, who are not standing steadfast because their eyes are focused on things other than the Lord. It's so important for us to fix our eyes on Him, because that is the only place where our foundation is firm.
  • 9:45 Isaiah 26:3 | You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.
  • 12:20 When we have our trust in Him, when our mind, heart and spirit are spiritually grounded, we won’t be tossed to and fro. The things that threaten that are experiences, trials, and suffering, but in the midst of all of those things, our minds and hearts can be anchored in His truth.
  • 16:28 Why don’t we stay? Sometimes our desire is to run ahead of God rather than stand, allowing the Lord to do a deeper work in us first.
  • 20:25 20:25 The Duct Tape Story: How much of our lives do we duct tape, putting our own temporary fixes on things, because we aren’t willing to patiently trust God and stand on His word in the midst of our circumstances.

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