April 9, 2019

Between Two Platforms by Lucy Kyllonen

Several years ago I was given a challenge to face one of my fears head on. For me that was climbing up a tree, putting my security in the hands of strangers who harnessed me to a rope, attaching it via hardware to a cable that was suspended about 30 feet in the air and then gliding above the soaring trees to the next platform. Fear, excitement and adrenaline made my legs tremble and my heart beat outside my chest. The hardest part for me was walking off the platform and allowing the pulley to glide me over into thin air all the while my body just hanging from a harness. My friends yelled to let go and spread my arms out and fly. Fly I would not. Instead, I held on to that rope as tightly as I could. It was the one thing that gave me a sense of security and allowed me to finish the remaining courses.

For me, life can be like a zip-lining experience. There are times we need to walk or jump off the platform we are on to get to the other side that God is calling us to. He asks us, “Do you trust me to get you to the other side?” And, if you are anything like me, you might reply, “Yes, God, I trust you, but… what time do I need to be there? Do I need to bring anything or anyone with me? What should I wear? Wait! How much will this cost?” I admit, I’m one to ask God a hundred questions before I set out on a new adventure or face a new challenge in life, when I need to remember that God provides all the equipment that I need. He straps me in His arms and then I’m anchored to the very truth and the essence of who God is – steadfast in all His ways.

“Good and upright is the Lord… He leads the humble in what is right… All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.” Psalm 25:8-10 ESV

Unfortunately, like the sea, too many of us waver back and forth, tossed around like a small boat caught in the middle of a violent storm. We allow the difficulties of life to rob us of the certainty of the one who can calm the storm. We lose sight of Him and instead only see the unfortunate economic waves threatening our family; we are jostled by a life-altering medical condition or we loose faith and confidence caused by the setbacks we experience in life.

If I had to choose between the two, I prefer to glide over my situation all the while being anchored to steadfastness. For the most part, the gliding part of zip-lining is actually a pretty smooth ride, just as long as you are harnessed and anchored correctly. Once I accept the fact that my next step is to courageously walk off the platform then the only thing left to do is to trust the process.

Isaiah 26:3 sums it up for us: “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

A steadfast heart doesn’t stray from the next platform the Lord has for it! Stepping off the current platform is the scary part, but if we learn to look at things through God’s lens, the view from the top gives you a different perspective of your situation. We may not have all the details of what’s next, but He can give us insight, discernment and peace. As long as you are harnessed in and connected to your Creator you can be sure that you are secure. The glide to the next platform may not always be perfect, but God will guide you, direct you and teach you along the way. So hold on to Him, trust Him and take that next step of faith! I’ll see you on the other side!

1 comment

  1. Amanda Robinson says:

    Thank you for these timely words!

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